Several things. Shiva’s foot on the back of the “ hideous dwarf”, the circular surround that eerily resembles a Covid virus and yes, the balance of good and evil. Huxley’s point by point detailing of Shiva’s multiple symbolism is stunning.
I named Fauci in the post below, but there is an irony re: very short men and some of the most evil /corrupt historically. Stalin,Hitler,Mussolini, Hirohito, Pol Pot,Kim,Arafat, Franco, Genghis Khan,Ahmadinejad,Lenin,,Napoleon,Soleimani,Sarkozy, Larry Fink, Bloomberg, Nadler, Goebbels , Merrick Garland, John McCain, Al Gore,Zelensky, Putin,Gutierres , Ceaucescu, Schwab, Khrushchev among them
I’m fascinated by Hindu philosophy. It’s quite interesting because every element is represented by gods with a higher God/god keeping the cycle balanced. There is something quite beautiful in the collective of spirituality,math,established science, nature, nurture and the divine. The religion is often subject to mockery, unfairly, by those who can’t be bothered researching the “ “ what” and “ why”. Best example- the Sacred Cow. Hindus don’t “ worship” cows. The female cow provides milk, nourishing a population that might otherwise starve. Malnutrition, infant mortality- it is the reverence of life. Ergo, nature, nurture and the Divine. No cows, no milk.
And what better describes the very reality of existence than karma?
Our Jewish daughter married the son of Hindu immigrants from India. Wonderful family values and appreciation for all things beautiful and decent. Very kind ,erudite and generous. And they are extremely respectful of her Judaic religiosity, culture and, a way cool wedding !
You’re extraordinarily bright and write beautifully. Jeff attracts such an insightful community, but for a certain disorganized , batshit - crazy insomniac. Me.😂
Several things. Shiva’s foot on the back of the “ hideous dwarf”, the circular surround that eerily resembles a Covid virus and yes, the balance of good and evil. Huxley’s point by point detailing of Shiva’s multiple symbolism is stunning.
I named Fauci in the post below, but there is an irony re: very short men and some of the most evil /corrupt historically. Stalin,Hitler,Mussolini, Hirohito, Pol Pot,Kim,Arafat, Franco, Genghis Khan,Ahmadinejad,Lenin,,Napoleon,Soleimani,Sarkozy, Larry Fink, Bloomberg, Nadler, Goebbels , Merrick Garland, John McCain, Al Gore,Zelensky, Putin,Gutierres , Ceaucescu, Schwab, Khrushchev among them
Fauci /Faustus…. Hideous by any name.
I’m fascinated by Hindu philosophy. It’s quite interesting because every element is represented by gods with a higher God/god keeping the cycle balanced. There is something quite beautiful in the collective of spirituality,math,established science, nature, nurture and the divine. The religion is often subject to mockery, unfairly, by those who can’t be bothered researching the “ “ what” and “ why”. Best example- the Sacred Cow. Hindus don’t “ worship” cows. The female cow provides milk, nourishing a population that might otherwise starve. Malnutrition, infant mortality- it is the reverence of life. Ergo, nature, nurture and the Divine. No cows, no milk.
And what better describes the very reality of existence than karma?
Our Jewish daughter married the son of Hindu immigrants from India. Wonderful family values and appreciation for all things beautiful and decent. Very kind ,erudite and generous. And they are extremely respectful of her Judaic religiosity, culture and, a way cool wedding !
You’re extraordinarily bright and write beautifully. Jeff attracts such an insightful community, but for a certain disorganized , batshit - crazy insomniac. Me.😂
Yup. Starting to form a core of really smart, truly insightful participants. Most gratifying for yours truly...
So thank you!