Thanks for restacking my piece, Mr. Dissident.

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Good one Jeff. The remedy for this situation is decentralization of political power. That is going to happen as the Giant Negative Feedback Loop is about to starve the power seekers of some of the power they lust for to control people. For more on this check out my substack column about our unnatural society.

x.com then search for DavidRFerguson7

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No arguments from me, Vonu. We don't call them the Uniparty for nothing. Thanks for reaching out!

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Thanks for reaching out. No doubt, BLM and antifa were deployed by American elites as progressive shock troops in the summer of 2020 to take advantage of Trump Derangement Syndrome. As such they -- like Covid -- were very much critical components of the massive institutional effort to rid the country of Donald Trump.

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The two major political parties constitute a bipartisan dictatorship that is anchored by a shared guaranteed ballot access arrangement where both function as a controlled opposition for each other while preventing third parties from getting on the ballot to compete with both of them.

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Thanks for naming what is obvious and studiously un-stated: the new-and-improved fascism which has won out here completely. Can it be that the classicly-fascist "antifa" (talk about gene therapy!) successfully immunized the left from being known for exactly what they are? If so, its effect on the nation's immune system was far more effective than Covid "vaccines" - at least in so far the the MSM branch of the fascist establishment are concerned.

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Perfect, Peter. the lesson is clear: if we don't take care of our own backyards, someone else will undoubtedly step up to do it for us.

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I'm a sucker for (a believer in) the "Fall Narrative" in Genesis chapter 3.

Since breaking covenant with their Creator/Benefactor, humans became out of control.

But their Creator/Benefactor offered guidance, internal guidance and controls, in order to keep them out of trouble. What exactly is trouble? Just this... ignoring that internal guidance, and thus needing external guidance... read that, external control for when they ignore their internal control.

If the human will not exercise internal control, then he/she must be externally controlled; else utter societal breakdown.

What do we do with humans whom are out of control? We jail them. But we jail them according to which laws they've broken and the severity thereof.

Ahh, and who made those laws? Of course... other out of control humans who, in their own ignorance of the Creator's internal controls, gain participation in Humans' external control system.

... and here we are.

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"If the human will not exercise internal control, then he/she must be externally controlled;...

Thank you, Peter. Long ago, I discovered this (slightly paraphrased) truth in my own life and am still working out the implications personally.

Either a person controls himself or someone else will control him. There are no other options. There is no "neutral zone" where this does not apply. Refusal to control oneself in any area of life, public or private, means subjection to another entity, human or spiritual, in that area.

The only antidote to "other-control" is self-control.

"The fruit of the Spirit is...self-control. Against [this] there is no law." (Galatians 5:23)

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It is interesting that you should mention Genesis 3, where self-control failed and rule by others gained traction.

v. 16--"To the woman He said:...Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."

This implies that there is something more in the woman's psyche than a simple emotional or physical longing to be close to her man. Some interpretations have stated that the woman DESIRES TO HAVE CONTROL OVER the man, but that she will be eternally frustrated in the quest. This thought has validity and, if true, has been a major driver in the contentions between man and woman ever since.

"...one of the earliest recorded effects of sin, as a negative consequence of Adam and Eve eating the apple in the Garden of Eden, is that all of us have a deep-seated wish, a craving, a longing, to control everyone around us. Whether we admit it or not, each of us is guilty." -- https://poorrogersalmanac.com/2022/05/14/there-ought-to-be-a-law/

However, the paradox in this is that as we become more self-controlled, the desire to control others is lessened and, over time, can become virtually non-existent in our lives. The more self-controlled we become, the less enslaved we are to the desire to control others. In working toward this, we become progressively more free.

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Thank you for reaching out, Roger. I agree wholeheartedly with your observations: the more we tend to our responsibilities for ourselves and the people and things we love, the freer we become. Rule by others is an inevitable consequence of the failure to rule ourselves. Thanks for your wisdom.

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Kinda explains why everything must be labeled bi-partisan in some form or fashion... reaching across the aisle, building bridges, the removal of distinctions even between genders, public/private partnerships, borderlessness...

Hmm... sounds like a big conspiracy to me! ;-)

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Thanks for reaching out, Peter. Yup, our sense of collective welfare is an innate survival mechanism. As such, the better elements of it remain fiercely non-partisan, hopeful, utopian, and universally faith-based (like everything else). But those same elements rarely survive in structural form except in extraordinary and extremely rare circumstances like the Enlightenment creation of the American experience. Documents like the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights are the elevated literary expressions of our innate, faith-based yearning for collective, non-partisan welfare -- and are all rooted in faith. Those same documents, however, don't erase borders between nations or genders. They don't tell us what we can do. If anything, they tell us -- for the most part -- what we can't do (or what any government we establish can't do) if we expect to lead quality lives without killing each other off. They liberate us to pursue moderation, and warn us not to pursue excess. Remove the modifying constraints of traditional religion and you remove the barriers to excess. That's when we lose our borders and -- eventually -- our minds. Structural media bias will always favor power, regardless of the politics.

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